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Blog #7

This chapter was a little self explanatory. Citing our sources is a process that has become more and more necessary as the ease at which we can get information increases. I look at as a reference to anyone who reads my paper, to verify that whatever I'm putting out into the world came from some reliable source. In this day and age, the fine line between what is fact and what is false is becoming a little difficult to tread on. Sometimes I wish all forms of information found on the internet had some form of citation or source material, that way we can decipher on our own whether that material is credible. As tedious and unwelcomed as it may seem, the need for these references bigger than you may think. How often have you felt misled or shown that what you may think is fact is actually far from it. The world of information grows everyday, and it's not only important to our own papers that we show and track where we gathered our information but even to the information we gather a part from that everyday. I'm not saying that any piece of information without a citation is discredible, but think twice about what you read, and where exactly it comes from. I can say anything within this blog and someone out there could take it as fact. The world is flat. To some that may sound properstrous but without any real source or citation it's left up to the reader whether that's true or not. And in some cases, people might read that and believe what they read.

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