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Blog #8

I've always felt that in text citations were the most efficient way of citing your work and having it seem the most credible. Something about how you can see the author, page number, and book directly after a sentence makes it seem that much more of real statement. Rather than just having a list at the end of your paper with a huge least of websites, this tactic has a way of making each specific sentence really stick with the reader that the information is tracked from a real source. My last blog post I talked about how loosely information can be presented now a days, and how you never know what's real and what isn't. I don't think there could be any questions when literally are citing each specific sentence. Although this does seem to be the most tedious of all forms of citation, as you must reference every thought that comes from your source. But I find it to be the best way you can make your reader feel comfortable that the information being presented to them has some real reliability behind it. Simple things like that is a necessity for your audience in a day in age where all information is ar your fingerprints, but whether it's real or not is always in question.

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