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Blog #9

So what really is the difference between revising and remixing? We hear these two words all the time but do we actually understand what separates the two? Songs are remixed all the time, and usually that just entails new artists singing or rapping over the same song. In my mind, remixing usually includes more of a change then just revising. The end product takes a new direction, rather then how revising usually entails just polishing the original product. I feel like remixing takes a bit more creativity on the artists part while revising is more of a self check. I can see this translating onto our third project as we will soon need to remix our project two, and transform some of those aspects into some form of advertisement. This is a little bit more effort then if you asked me to just revise my project two. In that case, I would still end up with just a better version of my project two. But the process of remixing would involve me creating something almost entirely different. I'm excited to challenge myself and see how creative I can get with this.

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