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Blog #10

   Viral marketing is a way for companies to increase the awareness of their brand either by word of mouth or through the internet. The advertisement goal is to be creative and attract people with a high social networking potential, meaning people who have a high chance of spreading the messages to many people over a certain period. As a millennial I see this kind of thing all the time on social media, while constantly seeing advertisements pop up on my newsfeed or “Instagram models” trying to tell you about the products they use. I think viral marketing is an effective way to increase the products popularity, especially when celebrities or well-known people are the ones advertising them. Something else I have noticed that relates to viral marketing is that advertisements will pop up that are related to your recent google searches. It was informative to read the process and guidelines while making these advertisements and how they strategize to make them as effective as possible. This gave me a different perspective on when I am looking at ads because I better understand their process and goal in mind.

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